Even if your dental flaws aren’t impairing your oral function, they can still weigh heavily on your mind. Blemished teeth can be a genuine source of anxiety, and some are unable to enjoy the simple pleasure of a free smile because they’re preoccupied with their pearly whites. For these individuals, cosmetic dentistry treatments are an exciting prospect!
Unfortunately, there’s plenty of mood-souring misinformation out there. This simply will not do! Get ready to bust three popular cosmetic dentistry myths.
#1. “Dental Cosmetics Are Purely Aesthetic”
This myth is particularly insidious because it implies that aesthetic treatments are frivolous. Even if cosmetic dentistry was purely about your looks, there’s nothing wrong with a confidence-boosting makeover! Besides, almost all dental cosmetic services provide oral health benefits.
Porcelain veneers, for example, provide an extra layer of protection for sensitive enamel. Tooth-colored restorations are made from more biocompatible materials than their metallic counterparts. Dental bonding seals small cracks and chips that would otherwise be vulnerable to infection or damage. Basically, this myth is easily disproven with just a little bit of research!
#2. “You Don’t Need a Dentist to Safely Whiten Teeth”
Over-the-counter whitening products and many home remedies are actually dangerous for your enamel! Often, these stain solutions involve harsh ingredients that are quite abrasive. Incorrect or frequent use can absolutely damage enamel, leading to more dental discoloration and aggravating any existing tooth decay. Plus, let’s be honest – their “whitening” results are usually disappointing.
As professionals, dentists know how to apply dental whitening agents safely and effectively. They can provide more reliable take-home kits and will thoroughly instruct you on how to use them properly. Even before you finish your treatment, you’ll start to notice a big difference!
#3. “Cosmetic Dentistry is Intense”
Actually, many treatments are far less involved than other common smile corrections like, say, traditional braces. Dental bonding changes your natural teeth the least, as all your dentist has to do is smooth a tooth-colored composite resin over minor flaws. And metal-free restorations are just that – customized fillings and crowns. Oftentimes, dentists don’t have to tweak every single tooth. Enhancing your oral aesthetics without dramatically shaping your natural teeth is totally doable, and you have plenty of options!
Didn’t see the dental cosmetic treatment you’ve been eyeing on this list? That doesn’t mean its myths aren’t busted, too! Cosmetic dentistry is a large umbrella that is widely misunderstood, so if you want to beautify your smile, it’s best to consult with your dentist. They know the facts and will use their expertise to help you choose a service you can be thrilled about.
About the Author
Dr. Parsia Koleini earned his dental degree from the Boston University School of Dental Medicine, where he graduated magna cum laude. He continues to hold a strong enthusiasm for education and keeps up with the latest dental technology and research to ensure quality treatment. Cosmetic dentistry is one of Dr. Koleini’s specialties, so you can trust him to be well-informed and provide beautiful results for your smile! To contact his office, call 978-650-2793.