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10 Doane St, Haverhill, MA 01835 (978) 372-6800

5 Tips for a Tooth-Healthy Halloween

October 8, 2019

Halloween candy

The second most popular holiday of the year is almost upon us. If you’re not careful, the enjoyment of Halloween can be lessened by your little one getting cavities. That’s why your dentist is here with these tips on how to have a mouth-healthy Halloween.

1. Moderation Is Key

Treats are called treats for a reason. Don’t let your children consume them on a daily basis. They’re going to want to make their stash last as long as possible, but cut them off after a few days. Maybe let them pick out their favorite treats and donate the rest to the less fortunate.

2. Stay Away from Stickiness

Candies that are sticky, like gummies and caramels, are much more harmful to the mouth than other options that wash away quickly, like chocolate. This is because sticky foods take longer to get washed away by saliva. Bacteria then have ample time to wreak havoc on your little one’s pearly whites. Try and steer your child towards chocolate instead, especially dark chocolate, which contains lots of antioxidants that help fight tooth decay.

3. Suggest Tooth-Healthy Alternatives to Candy

Kids still love treats like microwave popcorn and cheese sticks. These treats are also significantly healthier for the teeth, since they don’t contain much sugar. Cheese in particular is great for the mouth. It’s chock-full of calcium, which makes developing bones and teeth stronger. You can also try giving out non-edible alternatives, like stickers, temporary tattoos, and festive pencils.

4. Make Sure Your Child Brushes Their Teeth Before Bed

Never let your kid go to bed without making sure their teeth are nice and clean. If they go to sleep without brushing first, the sugar from their candy stays on their teeth all night. This gives bacteria plenty of time to create acids that eat away at tooth enamel, causing painful cavities.

5. Visit Your Children’s Dentist

It’s a good idea to visit the dentist before Halloween. That way, they can apply dental sealants to your child’s teeth. Sealants are plastic-like coatings that are painted onto the grooves of your kid’s molars to seal out bacteria and prevent tooth decay. Once sealants have been applied, they can last for at least five years or even longer.

You also can’t go wrong with seeing your children’s dentist shortly after Halloween. Your little one can get a professional cleaning that will leave their pearly whites shining. Furthermore, the dentist can check for any cavities that were caused by the increased candy consumption.

Halloween being here is no excuse to let your child’s oral health fall by the wayside. Keep these tips in mind this Halloween. Your kid’s teeth will thank you.

About the Author

At Associates in Dental Health in Haverhill, MA, our team of three dentists bring a wide variety of skills to the table, including the application of dental sealants. If your little one complains about a toothache due to excessive candy consumption, we will do everything we can to see them the same day you call us. To learn more, contact us here or call (978) 372-6800.

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