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Associates in Dental Health of Haverhill Blog

Turkey Day Dangers: 4 Thanksgiving Foods That Can Stain Teeth

November 19, 2024

A spread of Thanksgiving foods that can stain teeth

Thanksgiving is nearly here, so you’re likely deciding what the day’s meals will include. It can take time to get some Turkey Day dishes prepared and ready! Still, please don’t forget – there are some Thanksgiving foods that can stain teeth. For your Thursday feasting to go well, you should know them beforehand and take the right precautions. So, read on to learn which Thanksgiving foods can stain teeth and how to respond to staining.


Stringy Smiles: How to Floss Your Dental Implant

October 14, 2024

Bird's eye view of 3 types of floss on light blue surface

Dental implants continue to gain popularity as an ideal solution to restore missing teeth. Their unique placement in your jawbone provides advantages over alternatives like dentures and dental bridges. These prosthetics are the only ones that function as sturdy stand-alone structures in your mouth, making them much easier to maintain in the long run. Caring for them correctly is as easy as cleaning them twice daily and visiting your dentist every six months for a routine checkup.

However, because they’re built differently than your natural teeth, you must be careful not to damage your dental implants during your at-home dental hygiene routine. Continue reading to learn more about how to properly floss your replacement tooth to keep it happy and healthy!


Am I Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry?

September 11, 2024

Sometimes in life, we get this feeling like we’re “too old” to make certain changes, or it’s simply “too late” to achieve our goals. But thankfully, when it comes to improving your smile, there’s no expiration date! If you’ve been hesitant to consider cosmetic dentistry or are simply afraid ‘that ship has sailed,’ here are some popular treatments that are perfect for adult patients, from 18 to 108!


3 Cosmetic Dentistry Facts You’ll Be Happy to Learn Aren’t True

July 8, 2024

Excited woman raising arms in celebratory pose

Even if your dental flaws aren’t impairing your oral function, they can still weigh heavily on your mind. Blemished teeth can be a genuine source of anxiety, and some are unable to enjoy the simple pleasure of a free smile because they’re preoccupied with their pearly whites. For these individuals, cosmetic dentistry treatments are an exciting prospect!

Unfortunately, there’s plenty of mood-souring misinformation out there. This simply will not do! Get ready to bust three popular cosmetic dentistry myths.


What Should I Do to Take Proper Care of My Dentures?

May 13, 2024


Your dentures are designed to be a long-term investment that works effectively while giving you a beautiful smile, but they can only serve in this manner if you take proper care of them. Improper denture care can lead to oral infections, visible deterioration, or the breaking of the appliance, all of which can require it to be replaced sooner. Here’s a brief overview of how to take care of dentures to make sure that yours stay in great shape for as long as possible.


Dreamy Dentures: Why You Should Soak Them at Night

February 5, 2024

Dentures in a glass of clear liquid on bathroom counter

Dentures have remained one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth because they return so much of your ability to eat and speak again. Many patients find that they adjust to their false teeth quickly and eventually become so comfortable that they forget they’re wearing them. When that happens, it’s easy to fall asleep at night while they’re still in your mouth. It’s not good for your restoration to be in your mouth that long, though. Keep reading to learn 4 reasons why you should be soaking your dentures while you sleep, instead!


Dentures for Dialogue: 6 Great Tips for Speaking Confidently with Dentures

December 15, 2023

An older man socializing with his family in his new dentures while cooking

If you’ve just received your first pair of dentures, you may be starting to realize there are adjustments to be made. Getting used to dentures involves more than just feeling them out. You need to rethink how to speak and be very mindful of your tongue, lip, and cheek placement.

Whether you’re socializing with friends, giving a presentation, or engaging in everyday conversations, effective communication is essential. Read on to find some strategies and insights to help you speak confidently with dentures.


How Should I Take Care of My Mouth After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

September 13, 2023

Woman has curious expression

The third molars, also called wisdom teeth, typically emerge somewhere between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, and quite often the patient does not have enough room in their mouth to accommodate them. In these cases, they can push the other teeth out of alignment, making them harder to clean and easier to injure while also potentially ruining years of orthodontic work. To prevent these things from happening, many people have their wisdom teeth removed. Here’s what you can do to keep your recovery from wisdom tooth extraction as speedy and comfortable as possible.


Can A Straw Protect My Teeth?

June 5, 2023

someone drinking through a straw

If there’s one guilty habit many people share, it’s drinking things that aren’t the best for their teeth. Whether you like coffee, wine, soda, tea, or even fruit juice, you might be doing a little bit of damage to your smile while trying to hydrate.

You might have heard that using a straw to drink these liquids can reduce some of the negative effects that they have on your teeth. If you want to know more about that prospect, here’s some information you may find useful.


4 Things to Expect at an Emergency Dental Visit

March 15, 2023

a woman being treated for a dental emergency

A dental emergency can be shocking. Whether it’s a tooth being knocked out or a lost dental crown, it can throw off your whole day and leave you at a loss for your next steps. While it’s impossible to fully prevent random accidents or issues, you can be sure of what to expect at your emergency dental visit. Read on to learn from your emergency dentist about four things you can count on when your smile needs to be treated right away.

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